Agents, if you check your EPF Phone you will see that Agent Dot has sent us a new EPF Message:
February 21 -Dot - Great job, Agents - things seem to be going off without a hitch. Now let's keep up surveillance at the Awards Show. I want to see you all looking sharp.
So I guess the security at the Hollywood Party is a success! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Jet Pack Guy has sent all the EPF Agents! If you open your Phone and go to the Messages Tab, you will receive the following message:
February 14 - Jet Pack Guy - Keep your eyes peeled for suspicious activity at film shoots. Security is top priority with all these VIP's mulling around.
I didn't get this message quite right! Who will attack during the film shoots? Wait a minute, is Hebert going to come back and take revenge? We already have rumors about the Operation Puffles! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!
Classified Message, just joking, hee hee! Check your EPF Phone, you will receive a message from Rookie talking about the sudden appearance of Herbert! And for the first time ever, I think he is right: 
February 7 - Rookie - Hey guys! Have you seen Herbert? Or any signs of him like fur or vegetarian stuff? It's so weird that he just totally completely disappeared... Don't you THINK?
For the first time ever! And I mean it! For the first time ever, Rookie has said something sensible and serious thing, even I am wondering how did Herbert completely disappear? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Gary has sent us a new message, If you check your EPF Phone and go into the Messages section, you will get this message by Gary after the Prehistoric Party 2013!:
January 31 - Gary - Terrible news! I accidentally fixed the temporal distortion. Things are back to normal. Hopefully I'll figure out how to break it again someday!
Oh! So this gives us a clue that this type of party will return in the future! Maybe in 2014! But that's a long time ahead! What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Agents, check your EPF Spy phone! Gary has sent us a secret message. It's not a secret, we all know it! And Gary is really late to inform us about it. Here is what the message says:
January 17 - Gary - Anyone feel like creating a temporal singularity and travelling back in time with me? There are lots of dinosaurs there!
Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary! Why so late? Why inform us now? We already did it like 11 hours ago! No problem, at least you informed us! What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments below!

If you log into your account and check your EPF Phone, you will see a new message from Jet Pack Guy. Here is the message:
January 10 - Jet Pack Guy - Umm... Gary? Are you feeling okay? You've been acting... kinda strange.
I didn't understand what the message means, I mean Gary is okay he is building his Time Trekker, he isn't acting strange. Then, what does Jet Pack Guy is trying to tell us? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Agents, check out your EPF Phone. Rookie has just send us a message about what gift he got. Take a look:
December 27 - Rookie - Happy holidays everyone! I hope you're all having a blast at the party, I got a new pair of socks - best gift ever!
Congratulations, Rookie for your new pair of socks :). What do you think of this message? Let us know in the comments!!

Follow me on twitter: @CrazycopsCP
Hi guys, so the Holiday Party arrived and I think it is one of the best Holiday Party Club Penguin has ever had! Apart from that Gary (aka G) sent the EPF Agents a message! Take a look:
December 20 - G - Agents - divert your efforts to baking cookies! I've been studying them in great detail. They contain 124% your daily intake of magic!
So now: maybe we EPF Agents can forget missions for a while and bake cookies and have some fun!!

If you check your EPF Phone in the messages tab, you will recieve a message from Gary like this:
December 13 - G - What a mess! Herbert destroyed so much data. Personnel files, PSA backups, the entire Field-Ops mainframe. Right now I'm not even sure what can be fixed.
It doesn't look good. Looks like we have to say goodbye to Field-Ops for a period of time. Because Herbert destroyed the Field-Ops mainframe. And Gary cannot figure what can be fixed! It doesn't good. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

To all the EPF Agents (if you are not one, please discontinue reading this post) if you open up your EPF Phone you will see a new message which arrived from Gary (aka G). Here take a look:
From Gary - November 1 - Excellent! Things are back to normal. My great uncle Gariwald has returned to the ghostly world to continue his research. Well done!
Excellent! But I don't think 'Things are back to normal.' You know why? The OPERATION BLACKOUT starting from November 15th.


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